Worth of a Zenit 12 XP 58mm?


I just bought a Zenit 12 XP 58mm camera for about $120 from a Photography store that was closing shop for good. It was guaranteed to work and it does seem to be in good working order, but I haven't tried it out yet. I will tomorrow when I get to a lab and develop some quick shots. Anyway, I was just wondering if the price was reasonable for this type of camera assuming it worked. Responses from camera experts would be much appreciated. Thank you!


ahhh.. memories... 40 years ago my very first 35mm slr was a Zenith Em... and then the grandfather of the xp, the TTL..

ok, the meter is a little vague... its wholly dependent where you point it.... so, if i was shooting skywards, id alway underexpose it by half a stop, and vice versa... but, the certainly made them to last.. i dropped my TTL off teh back of a moving motorcycle at 45mph... it bounced...

nikon owners will laugh at you.. ignore them. YOU have the skills, they eyes and the judgement... not your box of tricks...and in the case of hte Xp, thats certainly true... but, you paid.. your happy...

and you can get great glass dead cheap... zeiss... m42... ebay is full of it...