Zenit 12xp general instructions

Appointment of cameras and their advantages. Zenit 12xp is the small-format SLR camera, designed for various amateur pictures on black-and-white and color films. It can be used for special surveys: reproduction works, shoot small objects close up with short distances (macro) photography with a microscope (microfilming), etc.
Zenit 12xp camera allows you to use interchangeable lenses with M42x1 mounting thread and a working distance of 45.5 mm.
Zenit 12xp camera has the following advantages:
- Semi-automatic exposure meter with the measurement of light passing through a lens (system TTL), provides for correct exposure setting when shooting with the standard lens, and with interchangeable lenses, light filters, supplementary lenses, extension tubes;
- Luminescent diodes in the viewfinder that indicate the correctness of exposure, are equally well be seen as acting with the full aperture of the lens, and at its aperturing;
- The mirror of constant sight allows continuously monitor a subject before and after exposure;
- Fast lens with a mechanism for jumping aperture automatically closes at the time of the shutter;
- Fully open diaphragm ensures maximum brightness, considered in the viewfinder, which is important at the time of viewing and focusing;
- Focusing can be performed on microraster, and on the matted surface;
- Operational exposure and a simplified charging of the film reduces the time spent on preparatory operations for shooting;
- Built-in self-timer allows the photographer to take pictures yourself among your friends or to a self-portrait by Zenit 12xp;
- Hidden castle back cover, locked with the rewind knob, improves the reliability of locking the rear cover and the convenience of charging apparatus;
- Availability of plug sockets and a central contact, allows you to use a flash unit with both cable and cable-free connection;
- Disengaging sleeve simplifies the process of rewinding the film rewind.

Before using Zenit 12xp, carefully read this description, which contains a brief description of the camera and the basic rules for using them. It should be borne in mind that this description is not a book on photography.
The design of your Zenit 12xp camera may differ slightly from set out below, because of its technological development.